
In the late 1940’s and 1950’s, the founder of Tri-Bros. Chemical Corp., Marvin Boiko, was involved in the field of water heating working at his father’s plumbing supply company on the West Side of Chicago. He worked for his father as a teenager but the lessons learned have been used in his company for over six decades.

Seeing the failures of early water heating equipment he worked with his father to develop a cleaner that would could soften some of the lime scale to allow the chance to flush the systems. At that time, there was also a lot of cutting oil and other contaminants since there was so much field fabrication and filed pipe threading. This material was designed to be safer than sulfuric acid and muriatic/hydrochloric acids that regularly dissolved the equipment and caused harm to the equipment servicers. The product was a good start,but needed research and development.

Present Day:
This is the MAG-ERAD 2 Pound Can. It is result of years of research and development.

A Product that is Non-Toxic, designed for use in:

  • Residential Bottom Fired Tank Type Water Heaters
  • Tank Type Residential Electric Water Heaters when following Supplemental Instructions
  • Tankless Water Heaters
  • This Product may be used by Do -It -Yourselfers who have mechanical ability and knowledge
Because of his experience working closely with those in the trades, Mr. Boiko was passionate about safety for those using the product as well as the consumer having direct contact with the water from the potable water systems the product cleaned. Mr. Boiko wanted to learn more and perfect a product for general use. He went back to school and completed his chemistry at Northwestern University. Shortly thereafter, he applied for his first patent after starting Tri-Bros. Chemical Corp., named after his three young sons at the time not realizing he would have a daughter years later that is currently an active member of the Board of Directors.

Since the early 1960’s when Mag-Erad was developed, the Tri-Bros. Chemical Corp. products have been manufactured to leave no toxic residues in potable water systems and only uses food grade chemicals which are much purer than technical grades. Technical grade chemicals contain many contaminants never allowed in
chemicals considered safe enough to be used in food, therefore, available in food grade. That means lead, chromium, cadmium and many other heavy metals and other contaminants are not allowed or found in quantities many times less than found in technical grades. The products seen on TV are often very watery as well.

This product was the beginning of the new philosophy of developing the strongest yet safest products, which when used regularly and as directed prevent the formation of silicates that are in many water supplies, before they could bake on. These products safely dissolve insulating scale formation. Removing scale safely pre vents metal crystallization and cracking, grain boundary weakening and some types of delamination and as the new water heaters were designed with glass lining, coils and heat exchangers developed from copper and stainless steel. The Tri-Bros. products are compatible and as water heater manufacturer’s state with the newer stainless steel tanks, chlorides and any chlorine must be avoided. Tri Bros. products are chlorine free. They do not cause stress corrosion cracking in the new stainless steel equipment.

The product, literature and labels shown here are all made or designed by Tri-Bros. Chemical Corp. Any other company names shown do not imply any endorsement by those companies. These various entities contacted Tri-Bros. Chemical Corp. to pro duce products under their own label. Some of the products shown are no longer available. The illustrations are shown to give a historical perspective to the break through of having the new found ability for the industry to clean and descale and maintain pressure vessels and other hot water and cooling equipment. No more poi sonous, toxic or watery and very slow concoctions. The oldest son, Howard, has worked in the business as a Vice President of quality control for over 40 years.
Tri-Bros. Chemical Corp. has even been granted several United States Patents for their breakthrough technologies. The Vice President of Research and Development, the middle son, Robert, has accomplished several international code changes and serves on the National Task Committees and is also a Commissioner helping oversee complex mechanical systems as well as consulting for the water department. As a five year old child, Robert observed his dad where his intrigue with equipment capacity and chemistry began.

Below are some examples of the Mag-Erad labels over the decades. Water heater construction has evolved. For that reason, so did the labeling.

For Professional Use Only is the even more powerful Bor-Coil Delimer. It is formulated with food grade active ingredients, and is available in several sizes. This is the product used in equipment ranging from residential to multi-million BTU’s. Maintenance engineers must read and understand the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s Manuals, and the Tri-Bros. Chemical Corp. Why When and How and other literature,Tri-Bros., as well as others, such as Code Organizations publish.

Tri-Bros. Chemical has been in business for over a half century. With a new generation working to educate the trade and the DIY consumer through web based technology, expensive equipment often worth $25,000.00 to Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars can be maintained safely. The efficiency and life expectancy is often extended many years to decades past improperly maintained equipment. This applies to both commercial and residential use. Even new residential Units may cost Thousands of Dollars to replace. Remember, maintaining equipment properly, enhances safety and working life of this expensive equipment. Owners of the equipment should insist these guidelines be followed.